Petrogress Int’l llc., is a Delaware corporation. The company has been expanding operations to become a greater factor in the oil business through its direct affiliates branches locations and partnerships. The company is the major partner of Petrogres Africa Co. Ltd., and the sole owner of pg-cypyard & offshore terminal services co. ltd., a Cyprian entity, in order to provide service to offshore platforms.
With more than 46 years of experience in its field of activity, Rotec S.A. was established in 1971, as a state-owned company designed to produce technological equipment for chemical, petrochemical, steel and cement industries. During the period 1971-1989, our company has become one of the main suppliers for Romanian, Bulgarian and Serbian petrochemical facilities and also an important supplier for steel producers such as Sidex Galati, Hunedoara Steel Profile producing plant, Stomana Bulgaria, Huta Katowice Poland, Huta Batory Poland and Krivoi Rog Ukraine.